It’s easy to strain your back because it does so much for you, and a little pain in the back can cause a lot of discomfort. Your back provides support, movement and flexibility for the body amongst other functions. That makes it imperative for you to always take care of your back. Here are 10 tips to help:

1.Lift Correctly: When lifting objects, eye-weigh the object; get help if it is too heavy. Stand close to the object and bend from your knees–not the waist. Then, stand upright holding the object.

2.Sleep Right: Reduce pressure on your back by sleeping on your side, not on your stomach or back. Invest in a supportive mattress and pillows, especially ones that promote correct neck and back alignment.

3.Stretch Out: Stretch to keep back and neck muscles active and flexible and also reduce the risk of back injuries.

4.Exercise: Walking, biking, swimming, and several gym routines help to avert back pains, etc. The best back exercise routines should combine stretching, strengthening and aerobics.

5.WorkSmart: Keep a healthy, ergonomically sound workspace. Setup work tools and equipment to meet your functionality. Invest in a work chair that supports your lower back. Take short breaks often so you can. stand and stretch, as staying in one position for a protracted period stiffens back muscles.

6.Maintain a Healthy Weight: Being over weight or obese may cause strain on the back. So, this is one more healthy reason to consciously watch your Lifestyle choices ,as this impacts your weight.

7.Stay Hydrated: Drinking a lot of water aids tissue elasticity and flexibility, while dehydration causes the spinal disc to shrink and leads to back ache and other conditions.

8.Pay Attention: Never play down back pain, it tends to worsen overtime if ignored. Don’t exert too much pressure on your back, and don’t self-medicate to relieve symptoms.

9.Maintain the Correct Posture Always: While walking, maintain an upright stance. Use a good chair to support your back and lower spine when seated, and keep mobile devices at eye level to reduce neck and back stress.

10.Be Cautious: Avoid twisting your torso when mopping or vacuuming. Sit on a small stool or kneel while cleaning lower bathroom fittings. Take frequent breaks when bending for a task.

For more information;

Call: 0808 678 3416 or 0808 584 9338 

Email: [email protected]

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