First aid training can influence a teenager’s confidence, creating benefits that extend beyond the obvious.



Trauma Care International Foundation (TCIF) diligently commits to fulfilling her life-saving mission and renewing people's chances of living, because an emergency is inevitable in any place people could be found; hence, the need for training teenagers as First Aid Responders. It is never too early to learn first aid and CPR because these are essential life-saving skills that can help them stay safe by being fully aware of danger and being able to help one another in the event of an emergency.

First aid training can influence a teenager’s confidence, creating benefits that extend beyond the obvious. Teenagers are most likely inclined to test boundaries and take risks; therefore, it is vital that they are equipped with First Aid/CPR skills and confidence to help when an emergency occurs.

For precisely these reasons, Trauma Care International Foundation (TCIF) in a bid to save lives empowered 1,000 teenagers through First Aid and CPR. The first aid training exercise which took place in the Loveworld Convocation Arena (LCA) Ikeja, Lagos, was a huge success as teenagers from different schools converged to learn with so much enthusiasm.

They were taught First aid and CPR techniques for infants, children, and adults on a manikin: perception of injury or illness, perception and management of the unconscious person, principles of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), perception and management of choking victims, asthma and epilepsy, shock, control of bleeding, wound care, pressure bandage, burns and scalds, soft tissue injuries and fractures, bites, and stings poisons. They were also taught how to communicate with their partner, victim, and bystanders effectively and efficiently.

These activities demonstrate the beneficial influence that the Trauma Care International Foundation (TCIF) can have by intervening for teenagers. Having the knowledge of First Aid/CPR can save lives. First Aid/CPR skills have been refined to have an impact when an emergency occurs. Hearing about someone using their first aid knowledge to save lives brings us so much joy more than anything.