Introducing the Labor of Love Campaign
The Labor of Love Campaign (for Mothers) is a month long event focused on drawing the attention of the public to the link between maternal mortality and the availability of safe blood for transfusion i.e. to draw attention to the effects of the lack of blood on the health of mothers in celebration of the International Women’s Day and Mothering Sunday taking place on the 8th and 27th of March respectively.
Blood transfusion has been identified as one of the eight key life-saving interventions in health centres that offer emergency care during pregnancy, delivery or the period right after giving birth.
Every day, a lot of women die from pregnancy or childbirth-related complications. Almost all of these deaths occur in developing countries. More than half of them occur in sub-Saharan Africa.
Haemorrhage (i.e. bleeding) during labour, delivery, and postnatal periods is the leading cause of maternal deaths in Africa. The availability and access to safe blood and it’s components from voluntary unpaid donors will help save the lives of these women.
* Reinforce our advocacy about voluntary non-remunerated blood donation
* Contribute to the reduction in maternal mortality caused by hemorrhage in Africa,
* Motivate donors to keep donating blood regularly and
* Encourage healthy people who have never donated blood to become donors and save a mother.
How long will this campaign last and how do we get involved in it ?
The campaign kicked off from March 1st and will extend to March 31st. We tagged it Show Love, Save a Mother campaign (#showlovesaveamother)
2. You can get involved by making a decision to participate in a voluntary blood donation drive as will be organised by your church, your office, your group or even by you. You can gift your birthday as many of our donors have done, contact the TCIF office and we can work with you to arrange a blood donation drive in honor of your day.
3. You can also invite someone to sign up as a TCIF blood donor.
And you know, there are many benefits of voluntary blood donation, chief among them is that as a blood donor, your gift of blood can be fractionated and used to save up to 3 lives.
In addition, you will receive a mini-physical check for:- Blood pressure, Body temperature, Haemoglobin level, your Blood Group and Genotype will also be screened for you at no cost.
Who is eligible to donate blood and who are those that usually need blood transfusion?
Anyone who is willing to donate and meets the following criteria:
- Falls between the ages of 16 and 65 years.
- Anyone who weighs at least 50kg and has not donated blood within the past 56 days.
- Other criteria as stipulated in your city or country may include smoking history, presence of tattoos and body piercings, social behaviour that predisposes to spread of blood transmissible diseases which may make on ineligible as a blood donor.
Blood is in constant demand for the treatment of patients involved in accidents, patients with cancer, leukemia, or with a bleeding disorder such as haemophilia among others.
Many surgical operations would not be possible without the availability of blood.
Please CLICK HERE for update on how to prepare for a blood drive, what is expected of you as a voluntary blood donors, how to be a part of the ongoing campaign, and even information on the closest TCIF affliliated blood donation centre/drive to you.
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