Trauma Care International Foundation Marks World Blood Donor Day 2024

June 15, 2024 - Lagos, Nigeria

In commemoration of the World Blood Donor Day 2024, Trauma Care International Foundation (TCIF) took to the airwaves to raise awareness about the critical need for blood donations. Appearing on LN247’s popular morning show, "This Morning," the TCIF representative highlighted the importance of voluntary blood donation and the lifesaving impact it has on communities worldwide.

The segment featured an engaging discussion with TCIF’s representative, who emphasized the foundation's ongoing efforts to promote blood donation. He addressed common misconceptions about blood donation and provided vital information on how individuals can become regular donors.

“We are thrilled to have this opportunity to spread our message on such a prominent platform,” said the TCIF representative. “Blood donation is a simple act that can save countless lives. We encourage everyone to consider becoming a donor and help ensure that safe blood is available for those in need.”

World Blood Donor Day is observed annually on June 14 to raise global awareness of the need for safe blood and blood products for transfusion and to thank voluntary, unpaid blood donors for their life-saving gifts of blood. This year’s theme, "20 Years of Celebrating Giving: Thank You Blood Donors!" calls for recognition of the contribution of blood donors in saving lives and improving healthcare outcomes.

During the program, TCIF highlighted their recently launched 100 days Global Voluntary Blood Donation Campaign (GVBDC), which would include blood donation drives, educational workshops, and community outreach programs designed to increase the number of voluntary blood donors within the duration of the campaign from June 14th to September 22, 2024. The organization also shared inspiring stories from individuals whose lives have been saved by blood donations.

For more information about the Trauma Care International Foundation and how to get involved in the 100 days Global Voluntary Blood Donation Campaign, please visit or follow us on KingsChat @tcif or call +2348086783416.

Trauma Care International Foundation is dedicated to improving emergency response services. Through various programs, TCIF aims to enhance community health and save lives by promoting voluntary blood donation and providing first aid trainings.

...Every Life Counts!