The need for first aid education

It is crucial that in an emergency situation, everybody, including children has the confidence to act. 
Emergencies happen unannounced. It can happen at work, at home, in school or in public, and it is important that everyone can recognize and respond calmly at such times to help a family member, a friend, coworker, or someone in public.   
Injuries affect all age groups, but have a specific effect on young adults.  Injuries are one of the top three leading causes of mortality and morbidity for people between the ages of 5 and 44 years. 
Sadly, first aid training is not always on the checklist of things to do, but it is important at any age to have basic first aid skills so that you can support yourself or someone else. 

Teaching your child their home address, phone number, and how to call emergency hotlines will make a difference if no one else is at home during emergencies. 

Here are major reasons why first aid education is valuable: 
1.   First aid does more than save lives. First aid can decrease recovery time and may determine between a temporary or permanent disability. Without prompt first aid, several patients will worsen faster and providing it will stabilize them before emergency services arrive. First aid training gives you the resources to avoid worsening conditions and you will be able to obtain the right details about the health of the patient. You will become a valuable link in the patient’s chain of survival.  

2.   First aid training boosts your confidence. Taking a basic first aid training course and understanding what is involved provides you with the confidence to respond effectively in both an emergency situation, and in non-medical situations. Providing confident care to others would ease the discomfort of the person in the situation and will also calm them down.  

TCIF First Aid Trainings Available 
TCIF is pleased to offer First Aid and CPR training to any group of individuals, school, corporate organization, or institution. Our facilitators have significant experience in providing resources that promote correct technique and skills when providing first aid procedures. 

To secure your training session, please contact us on +2348086783416 or send us an email: [email protected] 
Our website and social media pages provide further information regarding our various programs.