Celebrate! Commemorate! Collaborate!

🌍 On 27th February, 2024 TCIF marked the World NGO day by highlighting the importance of our work as an NGO in promoting safety and preparedness. TCIF is dedicated to creating a safer and more prepared community. We specialize in organizing first aid trainings, voluntary blood drives and also we have developed an emergency response app to ensure swift assistance in critical situations.

On this special day, we invite you to join us in our mission to save lives. Together, we can make real impact in more communities around the world.

Here's how you can get involved:

Partner with us financially: Whether you are an individual, a company, or an organization, your support can help us expand our reach and train more first responders. Let's collaborate to make a lasting impact on emergency preparedness: https://traumacareinternational.org/powerof10000YES/

At TCIF, we believe that every life matters. Our dedicated team of first aid instructors work tirelessly to provide comprehensive first aid training, empowering individuals and communities with life-saving skills, enabling them to be the first point of contact in emergencies. Our courses are tailored to an ever-increasing range of industries and markets, including:
- Small Businesses
- Large Corporations
- Government Agencies
- Hospitals
- Churches 

- Child and Day Care Centers
- Youth Organizations
- Private Training Companies
- Public Safety Agencies
- Secondary School Systems
- Tertiary Institutions 

- Scouting Groups
- Many more!

Donate blood: One simple act of donating blood can save multiple lives. Join our Voluntary Blood Donation Network to give blood and be a hero in someone's life. Your contribution can make a life-changing difference:https://traumacareinternational.org/blood_new/

Download our emergency response app: In today's fast-paced world, having access to immediate assistance can be crucial. Download our emergency response app, available on both iOS (https://bit.ly/tcera-IOS) and Android platforms (https://bit.ly/tceraAndroid), and be prepared to save lives with just a few taps. Also available for download on http://www.lwappstore.com

Spread the word! Share this post and tag your friends and family to raise awareness about Trauma Care International Foundation and the importance of safety and emergency preparedness: https://traumacareinternational.org/about

Join us in celebrating World NGO Day by taking action. Together, we can create a safer, more prepared communities: https://traumacareinternational.org/elearn/

For inquiries:

Call: 08086783416, 09052565689, 09031658731

...Every Life Counts!